科学技术名词为您提供降结肠系膜,descending mesocolon,降结肠系膜的意思,descending mesocolon的意思,降结肠系膜的英文,descending mesocolon的翻译,降结肠系膜的翻译,降结肠系膜是什么意思,降结肠系膜什么意思,descending mesocolon是什么意思,descending mesocolon什么意思
降结肠系膜 相关科技名词
- 肝肾韧带hepatorenal ligament
- 腹膜襞peritoneal folds
- 腹膜隐窝peritoneal recesses;peritoneal fossae
- 上支持筋膜rostral retinent fascia
- 十二指肠上襞superior duodenal fold
- 十二指肠上隐窝superior duodenal recess
- 十二指肠下襞inferior duodenal fold
- 十二指肠下隐窝inferior duodenal recess
- 十二指肠旁襞paraduodenal fold
- 十二指肠旁隐窝paraduodenal recess
- 十二指肠后隐窝retroduodenal recess
- 回盲上隐窝superior ileocecal recess
- 盲肠血管襞vascular cecal fold
- 回盲下隐窝inferior ileocecal recess
- 回盲襞ileocecal fold
- 盲肠后隐窝retrocecal recess
- 盲肠襞cecal folds
- 结肠旁沟paracolic sulci
- 乙状结肠间隐窝intersigmoid recess
- 膈下隐窝subphrenic recesses
- 肝下隐窝subhepatic recesses
- 肝肾隐窝hepatorenal recess
- 腹前壁腹膜peritoneum of anterior abdominal wall
- 脐正中襞median umbilical fold
- 膀胱上窝supravesical fossa
- 脐内侧襞medial umbilical fold
- 腹股沟内侧窝medial inguinal fossa
- 腹股沟三角inguinal trigone
- 脐外侧襞lateral umbilical fold
- 腹股沟外侧窝lateral inguinal fossa
- 膀胱横襞transverse vesical fold
- 膀胱旁窝paravesical fossa
- 尿生殖系统腹膜urogenital peritoneum
- 子宫阔韧带broad ligament of uterus
- 子宫系膜mesometrium
- 输卵管系膜mesosalpinx
- 卵巢系膜mesovarium
- 卵巢悬韧带suspensory ligament of ovary
- 卵巢窝ovarian fossa
- 直肠子宫襞rectouterine fold