911chaxun查询科学技术名词内脏学, 消化系统
基础医学人体解剖学内脏解剖内脏学, 消化系统
咽鼓管咽口 pharyngeal opening of auditory tube 咽鼓管咽口的意思 pharyngeal opening of auditory tube的意思
英文对照pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 内脏解剖 > 内脏学, 消化系统
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供咽鼓管咽口,pharyngeal opening of auditory tube,咽鼓管咽口的意思,pharyngeal opening of auditory tube的意思,咽鼓管咽口的英文,pharyngeal opening of auditory tube的翻译,咽鼓管咽口的翻译,咽鼓管咽口是什么意思,咽鼓管咽口什么意思,pharyngeal opening of auditory tube是什么意思,pharyngeal opening of auditory tube什么意思
咽鼓管咽口 相关科技名词
- 界沟terminal sulcus
- 舌盲孔foramen cecum of tongue
- 甲状舌管thyroglossal duct
- 舌扁桃体lingual tonsil
- 舌滤泡lingual follicles
- 舌中隔septum of tongue
- 舌腱膜aponeurosis of tongue
- 舌肌muscles of tongue
- 颏舌肌genioglossus
- 舌骨舌肌hyoglossus
- 小角舌肌chondroglossus
- 茎突舌肌styloglossus
- 上纵肌superior longitudinal muscle
- 下纵肌inferior longitudinal muscle
- 舌横肌transverse muscle of tongue
- 舌垂直肌vertical muscle of tongue
- 咽pharynx
- 咽门fauces
- 咽峡isthmus of fauces
- 腭帆velum palatinum;palatine velum
- 腭垂uvula
- 腭舌弓palatoglossal arch
- 腭咽弓palatopharyngeal arch
- 腭扁桃体palatine tonsil
- 扁桃体小窝tonsillar fossulae
- 扁桃体隐窝tonsillar crypts
- 扁桃体囊tonsillar capsule
- 半月襞semilunar fold
- 三角襞triangular fold
- 扁桃体窝tonsillar fossa
- 扁桃体上窝supratonsillar fossa
- 腭肌和咽门肌muscles of palate and fauces
- 腭腱膜palatine aponeurosis
- 腭帆提肌levator veli palatini
- 腭帆张肌tensor veli palatini
- 腭垂肌musculus uvulae
- 腭舌肌palatoglossus
- 腭咽肌palatopharyngeus
- 咽腔cavity of pharynx
- 咽穹fornix of pharynx