后支 posterior branches 后支的意思 posterior branches的意思 后支的英文 posterior branches的翻译 后支的翻译
英文对照posterior branches
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 周围神经解剖 > 脊神经
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供后支,posterior branches,后支的意思,posterior branches的意思,后支的英文,posterior branches的翻译,后支的翻译,后支是什么意思,后支什么意思,posterior branches是什么意思,posterior branches什么意思
后支 相关科技名词
- 脊神经根丝根丝rootlets of spinal nerves
- 前根anterior root
- 后根posterior root
- 脊神经干trunk of spinal nerve
- 前支anterior branch
- 后支posterior branch
- 交通支communicating branches
- 脊膜支meningeal branch
- 颈神经cervical nerves
- 后支posterior branch
- 内侧支medial branch
- 外侧支lateral branch
- 枕下神经suboccipital nerve
- 枕大神经greater occipital nerve
- 第三枕神经third occipital nerve
- 前支anterior branch
- 颈丛cervical plexus
- 颈襻ansa cervicalis
- 上根superior root
- 下根inferior root;posterior root
- 甲状舌骨肌支thyrohyoid branch
- 枕小神经lesser occipital nerve
- 耳大神经great auricular nerve
- 后支posterior branches
- 前支anterior branches
- 颈横神经transverse nerve of neck
- 上支superior branches
- 下支inferior branches
- 锁骨上神经supraclavicular nerves
- 锁骨上内侧神经medial supraclavicular nerves
- 锁骨上中间神经intermediate supraclavicular nerves
- 锁骨上外侧神经lateral supraclavicular nerves
- 膈神经phrenic nerve
- 心包支pericardiac branch
- 膈腹支phrenicoabdominal branches
- 副膈神经accessory phrenic nerve
- 臂丛brachial plexus
- 根roots
- 干trunks
- 上干superior trunk