英文对照hair whirlpools
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 感觉器解剖 > 其他感觉器
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供毛涡,hair whirlpools,毛涡的意思,hair whirlpools的意思,毛涡的英文,hair whirlpools的翻译,毛涡的翻译,毛涡是什么意思,毛涡什么意思,hair whirlpools是什么意思,hair whirlpools什么意思
毛涡 相关科技名词
- 嗅器olfactory organ;organ of smell
- 鼻黏膜嗅区olfactory region of nasal mucous membrane
- 嗅腺olfactory glands
- 味器gustatory organ;organ of taste
- 味蕾taste bud;gustatory bud
- 味孔gustatory pore;taste pore
- 体被common integument
- 皮肤skin
- 皮沟grooves of skin
- 皮嵴dermal ridges;skin ridges
- 皮支持带retaining bands of skin
- 触觉小珠tactile elevations
- 尾小凹coccygeal foveola
- 尾皮支持带caudal retaining band
- 表皮epidermis
- 真皮dermis;corium
- 乳头nipple;mammary papilla
- 皮下组织subcutaneous tissue
- 脂膜fat layer
- 体毛hairs
- 胎毛down
- 头发hairs of head
- 眉毛eyebrows
- 睫毛eyelashes
- 胡须beard
- 耳毛hairs of external acoustic meatus
- 鼻毛hairs of vestibule of nose
- 腋毛axillary hairs
- 阴毛pubic hairs
- 毛囊hair follicle
- 立毛肌arrectores pilorum
- 毛流hair streams
- 毛涡hair whirlpools
- 毛交叉hair cruces
- 指甲nail of finger
- 趾甲nail of toe
- 甲床nail bed
- 甲郭nail wall
- 甲体nail body
- 甲根nail root