致畸易感性 susceptibility to teratogenic agent 致畸易感性的意思 susceptibility to teratogenic agent的意思
英文对照susceptibility to teratogenic agent
所属学科基础医学 > 组织学与胚胎学 > 胚胎学 > 胚胎概论
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科学技术名词为您提供致畸易感性,susceptibility to teratogenic agent,致畸易感性的意思,susceptibility to teratogenic agent的意思,致畸易感性的英文,susceptibility to teratogenic agent的翻译,致畸易感性的翻译,致畸易感性是什么意思,致畸易感性什么意思,susceptibility to teratogenic agent是什么意思,susceptibility to teratogenic agent什么意思
致畸易感性 相关科技名词
- 标记基因marker gene
- 主[导]基因master gene
- 差别基因决定differential gene determination
- 差别基因表达differential gene expression
- 基因激活gene activation
- 同源框homoeobox
- 同源框基因homoeobox gene
- 同源框顺序homoeobox sequence
- 基因库gene library;gene bank
- 决定determination
- 调变modulation
- 细胞迁移cell migration
- 细胞识别cell recognition
- 细胞增殖cell proliferation
- 细胞死亡cell death
- 程序性细胞死亡programmed cell death;cell death clock
- 诱导学说induction theory
- 相互诱导reciprocal induction
- 诱导物inducer
- 细胞接触诱导cell contact guidance
- 细胞接触抑制cell contact inhibition
- 突变论catastrophe theory
- 出生前发育prenatal development;embryonic development
- 出生后发育postnatal development
- 组织者organizer
- 组织中心organization center;organizer center
- 发育中心developmental center
- 发育[潜能]梯度developmental potential gradient
- 镶嵌型发育mosaic development
- 调整型发育regulatory development
- 胚胎滞育embryonic diapause
- 超常增生hyperplasia
- 低常增生hypoplasia
- 斯特里特发育分期Streeter developmental horizons;Carnegie stages
- 胚[胎]embryo
- 胚[胎]期embryonic stage;embryonic period
- 胎[儿]fetus
- 胎[儿]期fetal stage;fetal period
- 围生期perinatal stage;perinatal period
- 增殖性生长multiplicative growth