科学技术名词为您提供钝痛,dull pain,钝痛的意思,dull pain的意思,钝痛的英文,dull pain的翻译,钝痛的翻译,钝痛是什么意思,钝痛什么意思,dull pain是什么意思,dull pain什么意思
钝痛 相关科技名词
- 气管内插管endotracheal intubation
- 支气管内插管endobronchial intubation
- 清醒插管conscious intubation;awake intubation
- 经口明视插管direct vision orotracheal intubation
- 经鼻气管内插管nasotracheal intubation
- 经鼻盲探气管内插管blind nasotracheal intubation
- 逆行导引插管retrograde intubation
- 拔管extubation
- 喉头水肿laryngeal edema
- 声门下水肿subglottic edema
- 声带麻痹vocal cord paralysis
- 喉痉挛laryngospasm
- 反流regurgitation
- 误吸aspiration
- 呼吸窘迫综合征respiratory distress syndrome
- 恶性高热malignant hyperthermia
- 麻醉记录anesthetic record
- 恢复室recovery room
- 视觉模拟评分法visual analogue scales
- 口诉言词评分法verbal rating scales
- 监测monitoring
- 麻醉深度depth of anesthesia
- 双向阻滞dual block
- 颤搐twitch
- 外周神经刺激peripheral nerve stimulation
- 神经刺激器nerve stimulator
- 四个成串刺激train of four stimulation
- 箭毒化curarization
- 去极化depolarization
- 非去极化non-depolarization
- 麻醉药浓度anesthetic concentration
- 氧消耗oxygen consumption
- 脉搏氧饱和度仪pulse oximeter
- 二氧化碳描记图capnogram
- 二氧化碳监测仪capnometer
- 经气管多普勒心输出量监测transtracheal Doppler cardiac out- put monitoring
- 唤醒试验awaken test
- 麻醉药anesthetic
- 麻醉作用anesthetic action
- 麻醉强度anesthetic potency