科学技术名词为您提供短肠综合征,short-bowel syndrome,短肠综合征的意思,short-bowel syndrome的意思,短肠综合征的英文,short-bowel syndrome的翻译,短肠综合征的翻译,短肠综合征是什么意思,短肠综合征什么意思,short-bowel syndrome是什么意思,short-bowel syndrome什么意思
短肠综合征 相关科技名词
- 外科[学]surgery
- 普通外科学general surgery
- 外科疾病surgical diseases
- 乳头移位nipple transposition
- 乳头内陷nipple retraction;crater nipple
- 乳头溢液nipple discharge
- 乳腺炎mastitis;mammitis
- 乳管扩张症mammary duct ectasia
- 乳痛症mastodynia
- 积乳囊肿galactocele
- 桔皮征orange-peel sign
- 乳腺脓肿mammary abscess
- 乳腺后脓肿retromammary abscess;postmam- mary abscess
- 粉刺状乳腺炎comedomastitis
- 浆细胞性乳腺炎plasma cell mastitis
- 产后乳腺炎postpartum mastitis
- 乳头乳晕湿疹样癌Paget disease
- 乳腺增生hyperplasia of mammary glands
- 乳腺癌breast carcinoma
- 慢性乳腺病chronic mastopathy
- 乳房切除术mastectomy
- 乳房切开术mastotomy
- 乳房切开引流术mastostomy
- 皮下乳腺切除术subcutaneous mastectomy
- 乳房四分之一切除术quadrectomy of breast
- 乳房肿块切除术lumpectomy of breast
- 乳腺区段切除术segmental mastectomy;partial mastectomy
- 乳房全切除术total mastectomy
- 乳房扩大根治术extended radical mastectomy
- 乳房改良根治术modified radical mastectomy
- 乳房根治术radical mastectomy
- 乳腺导管造影术galactography
- 乳房X线照相术mammography
- 乳房热图描记[术]thermomastography
- 透照摄影术diaphanography
- 甲状腺囊肿thyroid cyst
- 甲状腺毒症thyrotoxicosis
- 结节性甲状腺肿nodular goiter
- 单纯性甲状腺肿simple goiter
- 甲状腺炎thyroiditis