英文对照tuberculosis of respiratory system
见载刊物《医学名词(第四分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供呼吸系统结核病,tuberculosis of respiratory system,呼吸系统结核病的意思,tuberculosis of respiratory system的意思,呼吸系统结核病的英文,tuberculosis of respiratory system的翻译,呼吸系统结核病的翻译,呼吸系统结核病是什么意思,呼吸系统结核病什么意思,tuberculosis of respiratory system是什么意思,tuberculosis of respiratory system什么意思
呼吸系统结核病 相关科技名词
- 卡介苗接种率BCG vaccination rate
- 卡介苗覆盖率BCG coverage rate
- 卡介苗接种保护率protective rate of BCG vaccination
- 新生儿卡介苗接种率newborn BCG vaccination rate
- 卡痕率BCG scar rate
- 接种后结核菌素阳转率postvaccinal tuberculin positive conversion rate
- 结核菌素试验tuberculin test
- 病例发现case-finding
- 主动病例发现active case-finding
- 被动病例发现passive case-finding
- 病例发现延误delay in case-finding
- 病人延误patient's delay
- 医务人员延误health worker's delay
- 总延误total delay
- 集体胸部检查mass chest examination
- 化学预防chemoprophylaxis
- 结核病爆发流行fulminating epidemic of tuberculosis
- 规律用药率regularity rate of treatment
- 治疗完成率completion rate of treatment
- 治疗失败率treatment failure rate
- 坚持服药率compliance rate
- 复发率relapse rate
- 两阶段化学治疗two phases chemotherapy
- 初始强化治疗阶段initial intensive phase of treatment
- 继续治疗阶段continuation phase of treatment
- 短程化学疗法short-course chemotherapy
- 标准化疗方案standard chemotherapy regimen
- 痰菌检查率sputum examination rate
- 后备方案reserved regimen
- 痰菌阴转率sputum negative conversion rate
- 原发耐药率primary drug-resistance rate
- 细菌学失败率bacteriological failure rate
- 初治initial treatment
- 复治retreatment
- 结核病流行病学抽样调查tuberculosis epidemiological random sampling survey
- 卡介苗接种BCG vaccination
- 初种primary vaccination
- 复种revaccination
- 冻干卡介苗freeze-dried BCG vaccine
- 液体卡介苗fresh liquid BCG vaccine