科学技术名词为您提供黏膜不平,uneven mucosa,黏膜不平的意思,uneven mucosa的意思,黏膜不平的英文,uneven mucosa的翻译,黏膜不平的翻译,黏膜不平是什么意思,黏膜不平什么意思,uneven mucosa是什么意思,uneven mucosa什么意思
黏膜不平 相关科技名词
- 热活检hot biopsy
- 剥脱活检strip biopsy
- 黏膜切除术mucosectomy
- 息肉分块切除[术]piecemeal polypectomy
- 内镜黏膜下肿瘤切除[术]endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor
- 乳头括约肌切开[术]sphincterotomy;papillotomy
- 乳头切开刀papillotome
- 预备性切开precutting
- 乳头上部切开suprapapillary incision
- 鼻胆管引流[术]nasobiliary drainage
- 内镜胆管引流[术]endoscopic biliary drainage
- 内镜胰管引流[术]endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct
- 气囊扩张器balloon dilator
- 胆管内置管扩张[术]biliary stent dilatation
- 内镜置管[术]endoprosthesis
- 单极电凝[术]monopolar electrocoagulation
- 双极电凝[术]bipolar electrocoagulation
- 多极电凝[术]multipolar electrocoagulation
- 食管静脉曲张硬化治疗[术]sclerotherapy for esophageal varices
- 息肉切除[术]polypectomy
- 激光治疗[术]laser therapy
- 光动力学治疗[术]photodynamic therapy
- 热探头凝固[术]heater probe coagulation
- 内镜注射治疗[术]endoscopic injection therapy
- 探条扩张[术]bougienage
- 内镜治疗[术]therapeutic endoscopy
- 腹腔镜治疗[术]therapeutic laparoscopy
- 内镜复位[术]endoscopic reduction
- 经皮内镜胃造瘘[术]percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- 内镜碎石[术]endoscopic lithotripsy
- 内镜取石[术]endoscopic stone extraction technique
- 腹腔镜胆囊切除[术]laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- 食管静脉曲张内镜结扎[术]endoscopic rubber banding for esophageal varices
- 翻转法内镜检查[术]reverse method of endoscopy
- 圈套器snare
- 滑管sliding tube
- 水充盈法water-filling method
- 脱气水de-aerated water
- 水囊法water-filled balloon method
- [内镜]冷光源[endoscopic] cold light source