科学技术名词为您提供顶部入路,parietal approach,顶部入路的意思,parietal approach的意思,顶部入路的英文,parietal approach的翻译,顶部入路的翻译,顶部入路是什么意思,顶部入路什么意思,parietal approach是什么意思,parietal approach什么意思
顶部入路 相关科技名词
- 脊髓休克spinal shock
- 脊髓挫伤contusion of spinal cord
- 脊髓裂伤laceration of spinal cord
- 脊髓受压compression of spinal cord;spinal compression
- 硬脊膜外血肿spinal epidural hematoma
- 硬脊膜下血肿spinal subdural hematoma
- 神经损伤injury of nerve
- 神经丛损伤injury of nerve plexus
- 马尾损伤injury of cauda equina
- 硬脊膜外脓肿spinal epidural abscess
- 硬脊膜下脓肿spinal subdural abscess
- 脊髓脓肿spinal cord abscess
- 脊髓出血hematomyelia
- 脊髓梅毒瘤spinal cord syphiloma;spinal gum-ma
- 脊髓结核瘤spinal cord tuberculoma
- 脊髓真菌性肉芽肿mycotic granuloma of spinal cord
- 脊髓蛛网膜炎arachnoiditis of spinal cord
- 脊膜瘤spinal meningioma
- 脊膜脊髓膨出meningomyelocele
- 脊髓拴系综合征tethered cord syndrome
- 双干脊髓diplomyelia
- 颅脑先天性畸形congenital deformity of cranium and brain
- 交通性脑积水communicating hydrocephalus
- 非交通性脑积水noncommunicating hydrocephalus
- 梗阻性脑积水obstructive hydrocephalus
- 正常压力脑积水normal pressure hydrocephalus
- 无脑[畸形]anencephaly
- 先天性脑积水congenital hydrocephalus
- 积水性无脑畸形hydranencephaly
- 颅狭[窄]症craniostenosis
- 导水管狭窄aqueduct stenosis
- 尖头[畸形]acrocephaly;oxycephaly
- 舟状头[畸形]scaphocephaly
- 颅裂cranium bifidum;cranioschisis
- 脑[脊]膜膨出meningocele
- 脑膜脑膨出meningoencephalocele
- 脑穿通畸形porencephaly
- 锥体外系疾病及运动异常疾患diseases of extrapyramidal system and movement disorder
- 三叉神经痛trigeminal neuralgia
- 舌咽神经痛glossopharyngeal neuralgia