科学技术名词为您提供筋膜吊带,fascia sling,筋膜吊带的意思,fascia sling的意思,筋膜吊带的英文,fascia sling的翻译,筋膜吊带的翻译,筋膜吊带是什么意思,筋膜吊带什么意思,fascia sling是什么意思,fascia sling什么意思
筋膜吊带 相关科技名词
- 整形外科plastic surgery;plastic and reconstructive surgery
- 缺损defect
- 洞穿缺损through and through defect
- 缺失absence;loss
- 缺如congenital absence
- 畸形deformity;malformation
- 原发畸形primary deformity
- 继发畸形secondary deformity
- 先天畸形congenital deformity
- 后天畸形acquired deformity
- 后遗畸形sequel deformity
- 切迹状畸形notch deformity
- 错位malposition
- 移位displacement
- 异位dystopia;ectopia
- 脱位dislocation;luxation
- 半脱位semiluxation
- 变形distortion
- 对称symmetry
- 不对称asymmetry
- 偏斜deviation
- 发育异常dysplasia
- 发育不全hypoplasia
- 自然消退spontaneous regression
- 凹陷depression
- 增生hyperplasia;proliferation
- 肥大hypertrophy
- 狭窄stenosis;stricture
- 闭锁atresia
- 收缩contraction
- 退缩retraction
- 萎缩atrophy
- 挛缩contracture
- 下垂ptosis
- 松弛chalasis
- 色素沉着pigmentation
- 色素减退hypopigmentation
- 色素脱失depigmentation
- 毛细[血]管扩张telangiectasis
- 变色discoloration