科学技术名词为您提供前庭习服,vestibular habituation,前庭习服的意思,vestibular habituation的意思,前庭习服的英文,vestibular habituation的翻译,前庭习服的翻译,前庭习服是什么意思,前庭习服什么意思,vestibular habituation是什么意思,vestibular habituation什么意思
前庭习服 相关科技名词
- 耳蜗外植入术extracochlear implantation
- 球囊切开术sacculotomy
- 面神经减压术facial nerve decompression
- 面神经吻合术facial nerve anastomosis
- 测角计goniometer
- 自描听力计automatic recording audiometer
- 配景听力计peep-show audiometer
- 咽鼓管阻力计tuboresistometer
- 交联助听器contralateral routing of signals aid;CROS aid
- 双交联助听器bilateral contralateral routing of signals aid;BICROS aid
- 耳内助听器in-the-ear hearing aid;ITE
- 耳道内助听器in-the-canal hearing aid;ITC
- 体佩助听器body-worn hearing aid
- 耳后助听器behind-the-ear hearing aid;BTE
- 耳级助听器ear level hearing aid
- 集体助听器group hearing aid
- 护耳器ear protector
- 耳塞ear plug
- 耳模ear mold
- 人工耳artificial ear
- 人工乳突artificial mastoid
- 耳鸣掩蔽器tinnitus masker
- 鼓室通气管grommet
- 鼓环桥annulus bridge
- 蜗内电位endocochlear potential;EP
- 相对骨导relative bone conduction;RBC
- 绝对骨导absolute bone conduction;ABC
- 骨导bone conduction
- 骨鼓传导osteotympanic conduction
- 气鼓传导aerotympanic conduction
- 音域vocal range
- 前庭毒性vestibulotoxicity
- 耳蜗毒性cochleotoxicity
- 耳毒性ototoxicity
- 全听骨链[重建]赝复物total ossicular replacement prosthesis;TORP
- 部分听骨链[重建]赝复物partial ossicular replacement prosthesis;PORP
- 耵聍cerumen
- 鼻科学rhinology
- 嗅觉学osmology;osphresiology
- 嗅觉障碍学osmonosology