科学技术名词为您提供继发闭经,secondary amenorrhea,继发闭经的意思,secondary amenorrhea的意思,继发闭经的英文,secondary amenorrhea的翻译,继发闭经的翻译,继发闭经是什么意思,继发闭经什么意思,secondary amenorrhea是什么意思,secondary amenorrhea什么意思
继发闭经 相关科技名词
- 联合妊娠combined pregnancy
- 宫颈妊娠cervical pregnancy
- 输卵管流产tubal abortion
- 输卵管妊娠tubal pregnancy
- 输卵管间质部妊娠interstitial tubal pregnancy
- 宫角妊娠cornual pregnancy
- 卵巢妊娠ovarian pregnancy
- 阔韧带妊娠broad ligament pregnancy
- 腹腔妊娠abdominal pregnancy
- 子宫残角妊娠pregnancy in rudimentary horn
- 输卵管妊娠破裂rupture of tubal pregnancy
- 盆腔积血pelvic hematocele
- 阿-斯反应Arias-Stell reaction
- 蜕膜管型decidual cast
- 假临产false labor
- 先兆临产threatened labor
- 临产in labor
- 产程labor
- 总产程total stage of labor
- 第一产程first stage of labor
- 第二产程second stage of labor
- 第三产程third stage of labor
- 生理性缩复环physiologic retraction ring
- 颈管消失effacement of cervix
- 宫口扩张dilatation of cervix
- 胎头拨露head visible on vulval gapping
- 胎头着冠crowning of head
- 胎膜破裂rupture of membranes
- 胎膜早破premature rupture of membranes
- 胎膜先破early rupture of membranes
- 分娩delivery;parturition
- 足月分娩term labor;term delivery
- 顺产spontaneous delivery
- 分娩机制mechanism of labor
- 衔接engagement
- 下降descent
- 俯屈flexion
- 内旋转internal rotation
- 仰伸extention
- 外旋转external rotation