科学技术名词为您提供足月儿,term infant,足月儿的意思,term infant的意思,足月儿的英文,term infant的翻译,足月儿的翻译,足月儿是什么意思,足月儿什么意思,term infant是什么意思,term infant什么意思
足月儿 相关科技名词
- 环状胰腺annular pancreas
- 麻痹性肠梗阻paralytic ileus
- 胆汁黏稠综合征biliary hyperviscosity syndrome
- 心脏异位ectopia cordis
- 先天性完全性心脏传导阻滞congenital complete heart block
- 肾发育不良renal hypoplasia
- 溶血性尿毒症综合征hemolytic uremic syndrome
- 传染性红斑erythema infectiosum
- 手足口病hand-foot-mouth disease
- 暴发型脑膜炎球菌脑膜脑炎fulminating meningococcal meningoencephalitis
- 慢性脑膜炎球菌败血症chronic meningococcemia
- 中毒型痢疾toxic dysentery
- 神经皮肤综合征neurocutaneous syndrome
- 脑穿通畸形porencephaly
- 积水性无脑畸形hydranencephaly
- 双重偏瘫double hemiplegia
- 三肢瘫triplegia
- 缺氧缺血性脑病hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;HIE
- 屏气发作breath holding spell
- 热性惊厥febrile convulsion
- 婴儿痉挛infantile spasm
- 注意缺陷障碍[伴多动]attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- 婴儿松弛综合征floppy infant syndrome
- 遗尿[症]enuresis
- 夜惊night terrors
- 唐氏综合征Down syndrome
- 遗传性葡萄糖醛酰基转移酶缺乏症hereditary deficiency of glucuronyl transferase
- 遗传性胎儿血红蛋白持续存在症hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin;HPFH
- 胸腺肥大hypertrophy of thymus
- 胸腺发育不全thymic dysplasia
- 晶体后纤维增生症retrolental fibroplasia;RLF
- 尿布皮炎diaper dermatitis
- 婴儿湿疹infantile eczema
- 川崎病Kawasaki disease
- 婴儿猝死综合征sudden infant death syndrome;SIDS
- 脐插管umbilical catheterization
- 头颅透光试验transillumination of skull
- 硬脑膜下积液subdural effusion
- 硬脑膜下出血subdural hemorrhage
- 硬脑膜下穿刺subdural puncture