科学技术名词为您提供身高,body height,身高的意思,body height的意思,身高的英文,body height的翻译,身高的翻译,身高是什么意思,身高什么意思,body height是什么意思,body height什么意思
身高 相关科技名词
- 儿科学pediatrics
- 发育儿科学developmental pediatrics
- 儿童保健child care
- 生长发育growth and development
- 胎龄评估assessment of gestational age
- 适于胎龄儿appropriate for gestational age infant;AGA
- 大于胎龄儿large for gestational age infant;LGA
- 小于胎龄儿small for gestational age infant;SGA
- 足月儿term infant
- 未成熟儿premature infant
- 低体重儿low birthweight infant
- 过期产儿post-term infant
- 围生期死亡率perinatal mortality
- 婴儿死亡率infant mortality
- 高危儿high risk infant
- 新生儿neonate;newborn
- 婴儿infant
- 儿童child
- 身长body length
- 身高body height
- 体重body weight
- 头围head circumference
- 胸围chest circumference
- 腹围abdomen circumference
- 前囟anterior fontanel
- 觅食反射rooting reflex
- 吸吮反射sucking reflex
- 吞咽反射swallowing reflex
- 拥抱反射embrace reflex;Moro reflex
- 抓握反射grasping reflex
- 母乳喂养breast feeding
- 人工喂养artificial feeding
- 混合喂养mixed feeding
- 哺乳lactation
- 断乳ablactation
- 持续性胎儿循环persistent fetal circulation;PFC
- 胎粪性便秘meconium constipation
- 胎粪性腹膜炎meconium peritonitis
- 胎粪性肠梗阻meconium ileus
- 鹅口疮thrush