英文对照cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation
见载刊物《医学名词(第六分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供环甲膜切开气管插管,cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation,环甲膜切开气管插管的意思,cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation的意思,环甲膜切开气管插管的英文,cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation的翻译,环甲膜切开气管插管的翻译,环甲膜切开气管插管是什么意思,环甲膜切开气管插管什么意思,cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation是什么意思,cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation什么意思
环甲膜切开气管插管 相关科技名词
- 口对口呼气mouth to mouth respiration
- 口对鼻呼气mouth to nose respiration
- 肺吹气法insufflation of lungs
- 间歇正压通气intermittent positive pressure ven- tilation
- 呼气末正压end-expiratory positive pressure
- 控制式通气control mode ventilation
- 加强通气augmented ventilation
- 辅助通气assisted ventilation
- 每分钟手控通气manual minute ventilation
- 高频通气high frequency ventilation
- 间歇强制通气intermittent mandatory ventilation
- 同步间歇强制通气synchronous intermittent manda- tory ventilation
- 持续正压通气continuous positive pressure venti- lation
- 持续正压呼吸continuous positive pressure breathing
- 连续气道正压通气continuous positive airway pressure
- S型口咽通气管S-shaped oropharyngeal airway
- 单向型口咽通气管one way oropharyngeal airway
- 鼻咽通气管nasopharyngeal airway
- 袖珍面罩pocket mask
- 面罩活瓣呼吸装置bag-valve-mask respiration unit
- 环甲膜切开气管插管cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation
- 压力支持pressure support
- 吸气驱动压inspiratory driving pressure
- 气流型态flow pattern
- 方波气流型态square wave flow pattern
- 下斜曲线recline pressure curve
- 增压曲线increasing pressure curve
- 减压曲线decreasing pressure curve
- 无气流期period of zero flow
- 容量分布volume distribution
- 外观容量分布apparent volume distribution
- 纤维蛋白套fibrin sleeve
- 静脉高营养intravenous hyperalimentation
- 静息心排出量resting cardiac output
- 输液泵infusion pump
- 吸入氧比例fraction of inspiratory oxygen
- 氧分压partial pressure of oxygen
- 二氧化碳分压partial pressure of carbon dioxide
- 潮气末二氧化碳分压end tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure
- 呼吸机respirator