五石散 powder of five minerals 五石散的意思 powder of five minerals的意思 五石散的英文 powder of five minerals的翻译
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五石散 相关科技名词
- 药王king of medicine;yao wang
- 医圣medical sage
- 疾医general medicine
- 疡医royal surgeon
- 食医dietetician
- 太医palace physician
- 医博士erudite for general medicine
- 针博士erudite for acupuncture
- 按摩博士erudite for massage
- 咒禁博士erudite for exorcism
- 太医署Imperial Medical Academy
- 太医局Imperial Medical Service
- 太医院Imperial Academy of Medicine
- 尚药局Bureau of Administration of Royal Medicinal Affairs
- 御药院Royal Drug Museum
- 和剂局Bureau for Compounding
- 惠民局Medical Institute of Benevolence
- 十三科thirteen branches of medicine
- 大方脉medical department for adult
- 杂医科department of miscellaneous diseases
- 小方脉medical department for children
- 风科department of wind
- 产科department of obstetrics
- 眼科department of ophthalmology
- 口齿科department of dentistry and stomatology
- 咽喉科department of pharynx and larynx
- 正骨科department of bone orthopedics
- 金疮肿科department of sores and wounds
- 针灸科department of acupuncture and moxibustion
- 祝由科department of incantation and psychology
- 禁科department of incantation
- 金元四家four scholastic sects of Jin-Yuan dynasties
- 温病学派school of warm diseases
- 砭石stone needle
- 刺禁needling contraindications
- 灸禁moxibustion contraindications
- 本草materia medica
- 医经medical classic
- 诊籍case record
- 明堂图acupuncture and moxibustion chart