眦 相关科技名词
- 小腹lower abdomen
- 少腹lateral lower abdomen
- 四极four limbs;four poles
- 五官five [sense] apertures
- 七窍seven orifices
- 九窍nine orifices
- 目eye
- 目系eye connector
- 五轮八廓five wheels and eight regions
- 肉轮flesh wheel
- 血轮blood wheel
- 气轮qi wheel
- 风轮wind wheel
- 水轮water wheel
- 眦canthus
- 目内眦inner canthus
- 目外眦outer canthus
- 目窠eye socket
- 眼带ocular band
- 目眶ocular orbit
- 眼睑eyelid
- 睑弦palpebral margin
- 睫毛eyelash
- 泪tear
- 泪泉lachrymal spring
- 泪窍lachrymal punctum
- 白睛white eye;bulbar conjunctiva and sclera
- 黑睛black eye;cornea and iris
- 瞳神pupil
- 虹彩iris
- 神水spiritual water;aqueous humor
- 晶珠crystal pearl;lens
- 神膏vitreum
- 视衣visual cloth
- 舌tongue
- 舌系tongue connector;sublingual vessels and ligament
- 口mouth
- 唇lip
- 齿tooth
- 真牙genuine tooth;wisdom tooth