科学技术名词为您提供平人,healthy person,平人的意思,healthy person的意思,平人的英文,healthy person的翻译,平人的翻译,平人是什么意思,平人什么意思,healthy person是什么意思,healthy person什么意思
平人 相关科技名词
- 囟门不合failure of closure of fontanel
- 望五官inspection of five apertures
- 望眼神inspection of eye spirit
- 望人中inspection of philtrum
- 目赤red eye
- 抱轮红赤ciliary hyperemia
- 眼睑浮肿eyelids swelling
- 目下陷collapsed eye
- 眼睑下垂ptosis
- 颜面浮肿facial edema
- 鼻衄epistaxis
- 鼻煽flapping of nasal wings
- 耳郭枯槁withered auricle
- 耳内流脓purulent discharge in ear
- 口眼斜wry eye and mouth
- 口噤lockjaw
- 撮口locked jaw
- 口中生疮sore in mouth
- 口疮oral ulcer
- 口糜aphtha
- 口唇颤动tremor of lips
- 口唇焦裂dry and withered lips
- 唇反cheilectropion
- 齿衄gum bleeding
- 牙龈溃烂ulcer of gums
- 牙龈萎缩gingival atrophy
- 牙齿焦黑blackening of teeth
- 望络脉inspection of collateral
- 望皮肤inspection of skin
- 毛悴色夭withered skin and hairs
- 浮肿edema
- 肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin
- 癍macula
- 疹rash
- 紫癍purple macula
- 丘疹papule
- 疱疹bleb
- 白疒咅miliaria alba
- 风团wind patches;urticaria
- 息肉polyp