英文对照blood syncope
见载刊物《中医药学名词(内科学妇科学儿科学)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供血厥,blood syncope,血厥的意思,blood syncope的意思,血厥的英文,blood syncope的翻译,血厥的翻译,血厥是什么意思,血厥什么意思,blood syncope是什么意思,blood syncope什么意思
血厥 相关科技名词
- 暑秽summerheat filth
- 暑咳summerheat cough
- 暑喘summerheat dyspnea
- 暑瘵summerheat phthisis
- 暑痉summerheat convulsion
- 暑summerheat epilepsy
- 暑痿summerheat flaccidity
- 伤暑mild summerheat stroke
- 疰夏summer non-acclimatization
- 暑毒失血blood loss due to summerheat poisoning
- 暑气呕吐summerheat vomiting
- 湿温[病]damp-warm disease
- 湿温·阴湿伤表证damp-warm disease with syndrome of yin dampness injuring superficies
- 湿温·阳湿伤表证damp-warm disease with syndrome of yang dampness injuring superficies
- 湿温·湿遏卫气证damp-warm disease with syndrome of dampness inhibiting defense qi
- 湿温·邪阻膜原证damp-warm disease with syndrome of pathogen blocking pleuro-diaphragmatic interspace
- 湿温·湿困中焦证damp-warm disease with syndrome of dampness retaining in middle jiao
- 湿温·湿热弥漫三焦证damp-warm disease with syndrome of damp-heat diffusing in sanjiao
- 湿温·湿热蕴毒证damp-warm disease with syndrome of damp-heat and amassing poison
- 湿温·痰蔽心包证damp-warm disease with syndrome of phlegm invading pericardium
- 湿温·余邪未净证damp-warm disease with syndrome of lingering remnant pathogen
- 湿温伤寒damp-warm disease with cold damage
- 湿阻[病]damp obstruction disease
- 湿阻·湿困脾胃证damp obstruction disease with syndrome of dampness retaining in spleen and stomach
- 湿阻·湿热中阻证damp obstruction disease with syndrome of obstruction of middle jiao by damp-heat
- 湿阻·脾虚湿困证damp obstruction disease with syndrome of damp retention due to spleen deficiency
- 伏暑latent summerheat
- 伏暑·卫气同病证latent summerheat with syndrome of involving both defense and qi phases
- 伏暑·卫营同病证latent summerheat with syndrome of involving both defense and nutrient phases
- 伏暑·邪在少阳证latent summerheat with syndrome of pathogen involving Shaoyang Channel
- 伏暑·邪结肠腑证latent summerheat with syndrome of pathogen bound in intestine
- 伏暑·心热下移小肠证latent summerheat with syndrome of heart heat descending into small intestine
- 伏暑·热陷心包证latent summerheat with syndrome of heat invading pericardium
- 伏暑伤寒latent summerheat disease with cold damage
- 秋燥autumn dryness
- 凉燥cool dryness
- 温燥warm dryness
- 秋燥·邪犯肺卫证autumn dryness with syndrome of pathogen invading lung-defense phase
- 秋燥·燥干清窍证autumn dryness with syndrome involving clear orifices
- 秋燥·燥热伤肺证autumn dryness with syndrome of dryness-heat injuring lung