箍围疗法 therapy of encircling lesion with drugs 箍围疗法的意思 therapy of encircling lesion with drugs的意思
英文对照therapy of encircling lesion with drugs
见载刊物《中医药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供箍围疗法,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs,箍围疗法的意思,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs的意思,箍围疗法的英文,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs的翻译,箍围疗法的翻译,箍围疗法是什么意思,箍围疗法什么意思,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs是什么意思,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs什么意思
箍围疗法 相关科技名词
- 外治法external treatment
- 掺药法dusting powder drug method
- 吹药法blowing drug method
- 导药法guiding medicinal method
- 滴药法dripping method
- 割治法cutting method
- 药熨疗法hot medicinal compress therapy
- 热敷疗法hot compress therapy
- 敷贴疗法plastering therapy
- 膏药疗法plaster therapy
- 药膏疗法ointment therapy
- 发疱疗法vesiculation therapy
- 箍围疗法therapy of encircling lesion with drugs
- 湿敷疗法moisten compress therapy
- 敷脐疗法umbilical compress therapy
- 药浴疗法medicinal bath therapy
- 熏洗疗法fumigation and washing therapy
- 熏蒸疗法fumigation and steaming therapy
- 冲洗疗法douche therapy
- 浸洗疗法immersion and wash therapy
- 腐蚀疗法eroding therapy
- 缠缚疗法binding therapy
- 切开疗法incision therapy
- 引流疗法drainage therapy
- 放血疗法blood letting therapy
- 火烙疗法cauterization therapy
- 烧蚀疗法burning-eroding therapy
- 刮痧疗法scrapping therapy
- 神灯照疗法lamp lighting up therapy
- 点眼疗法eye dripping therapy
- 敷眼疗法eye compress therapy
- 金针拨障疗法cataractopiesis with metal needle therapy
- 钩割法hook-cutting therapy
- 滴耳疗法ear-dripping therapy
- 吹耳疗法ear-insufflating therapy
- 塞耳疗法ear-plugging therapy
- 洗耳疗法ear-washing therapy
- 鼻嗅疗法smelling therapy
- 塞鼻疗法nose-plugging therapy
- 吹鼻疗法nose-insufflating therapy