英文对照baical skullcap root
名词定义唇形科植物黄芩 Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 的干燥根。
见载刊物《中医药学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供黄芩,baical skullcap root,黄芩的意思,baical skullcap root的意思,黄芩的英文,baical skullcap root的翻译,黄芩的翻译,黄芩是什么意思,黄芩什么意思,baical skullcap root是什么意思,baical skullcap root什么意思
黄芩 相关科技名词
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- 珍珠pearl
- 珍珠母nacre
- 荆芥fineleaf schizonepeta herb
- 茜草India madder root
- 荜茇long pepper
- 荜澄茄mountain spicy fruit
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- 制草乌prepared kusnezoff monkshood root
- 草豆蔻katsumada galangal seed
- 草果fruit of caoguo
- 茵陈virgate wormwood herb
- 茯苓Indian bread
- 茺蔚子motherwort fruit
- 胡芦巴fenugreek seed
- 胡黄连figwortflower picrorhiza rhizome
- 胡椒pepper fruit
- 荔枝核lychee seed
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- 枳实immature orange fruit
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