积木式机床 machine tool of building block type 积木式机床的意思 machine tool of building block type的意思
英文对照machine tool of building block type
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科学技术名词为您提供积木式机床,machine tool of building block type,积木式机床的意思,machine tool of building block type的意思,积木式机床的英文,machine tool of building block type的翻译,积木式机床的翻译,积木式机床是什么意思,积木式机床什么意思,machine tool of building block type是什么意思,machine tool of building block type什么意思
积木式机床 相关科技名词
- 排中律law of excluded middle
- 充足量由律law of sufficient reason
- 辩证思维规律law of dialectical thinking
- 具体同一律law of concrete identity
- 总体综合律law of overall synthesis
- 能动转化律law of dynamic transformation
- 周期发展律law of periodic development
- 逻辑历史一致律law of logic consilience with history
- 抽象具体一致律law of abstract consilience with concrete
- 科学技术发展的规律law of science and technology development
- 科学技术发展的加速度规律acceleration law of development of science and technology
- 科学技术发展的重心规律focus development law of science and technology
- 科学技术发展的结构转换规律structural transformation law of thedevelopment of science and technology
- 科学与社会实践的矛盾运动规律law of motion of contradiction between science and social practice
- 科学理论与观察及实验事实的矛盾运动规律law of motion of contradiction between scientific theory and observation or experimental facts
- 不同科学理论、观点的矛盾运动规律law of motion of contradiction amongvarious kinds of scientific theories and points of view
- 科学的继承与批判的矛盾运动规律law of motion of contradiction between succeed and critique of science
- 科学发展的分化与综合的矛盾运动规律law of contradiction between differentiation and synthesis in scientific development
- 科学、技术、经济、社会的协调发展规律law of coordinate development of science;technology;economy and society
- 范畴论category theory
- 思维形式form of thinking
- 概念concept
- 判断judgement
- 推理inference;reasoning
- 范畴category
- 范畴体系system of category
- 存在和思维being and thinking
- 物质和意识matter and consciousness
- 实物和场substance and field
- 力和功force and work
- 宗教裁判所the Inquisition
- 宗教神学自然观religions views of nature
- 一元论monism
- 二元论dualism
- 多元论pluralism
- 唯物主义materialism
- 朴素唯物主义native materialism
- 机械唯物主义mechanical materialism
- 辩证唯物主义dialectical materialism
- 实践唯物主义practical materialism