科学技术名词为您提供动力学规律,dynamic law,动力学规律的意思,dynamic law的意思,动力学规律的英文,dynamic law的翻译,动力学规律的翻译,动力学规律是什么意思,动力学规律什么意思,dynamic law是什么意思,dynamic law什么意思
动力学规律 相关科技名词
- 物理学哲学philosophy of physics
- 物理学基础foundation of physics
- 物理学危机crisis in physics
- 物理学革命physical revolution
- 物理实体physical entity
- 第一推动first impulse
- 决定论规律deterministic law
- 动力学规律dynamic law
- 统计规律statistical law
- 非决定论indeterminism
- 超距作用action at a distance
- 以太ether
- 守恒律conservation law
- 绝对时空概念concept of absolute space and time
- 时空的相对性relativity of space and time
- 同时性simultaneity
- 双生子佯谬twin paradox
- 奇性singularity
- 延迟选择实验delay-selection experiment
- 热质说caloric theory
- 热的运动说mechanical theory of heat
- 永动机perpetual motion machine
- 熵entropy
- 热寂heat death
- 近可积系统的KAM定理KAM theorem for nearly integrable system
- 非线性动力学nonlinear dynamics
- 量子力学的哲学诠释philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics
- 量子力学的实在论诠释realist interpretation of quantum mechanics
- 测量问题measurement problem
- 哥本哈根学派Copenhagen School
- 量子力学的哥本哈根解释Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics
- 对应原理correspondence principle
- 互补性complementarity
- 不确定原理uncertainty principle
- 波粒二象性wave particle duality
- 物质的二象性duality nature of matter
- 波包并缩wave packet reduction
- 薛定谔猫Schroedinger's cat
- 爱因斯坦-玻尔争论Einstein-Bohr debate
- EPR悖论Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox