高阶差分 difference of higher order;higher difference 高阶差分的意思 difference of higher order;higher difference的意思
英文对照difference of higher order;higher difference
见载刊物《数学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供高阶差分,difference of higher order;higher difference,高阶差分的意思,difference of higher order;higher difference的意思,高阶差分的英文,difference of higher order;higher difference的翻译,高阶差分的翻译,高阶差分是什么意思,高阶差分什么意思,difference of higher order;higher difference是什么意思,difference of higher order;higher difference什么意思
高阶差分 相关科技名词
- 代数精度algebraic accuracy
- 佩亚诺误差表示Peano error representation
- 欧拉-麦克劳林求和公式Euler-Maclaurin summation for- mula
- 开型积分公式open integration formula
- 闭型积分公式closed integration formula
- 矩形法则rectangle rule
- 中点法则midpoint rule
- 梯形法则trapezoidal rule
- 辛普森法则Simpson rule
- 牛顿-科茨公式Newton-Cotes formula
- 复合中点公式compound midpoint formula
- 复合梯形公式compound trapezoidal formula
- 复合辛普森公式compound Simpson formula;composite Simpson formula
- 龙贝格积分[法]Romberg integration
- 克伦肖-柯蒂斯积分[法]Clenshaw-Curtis integration
- 埃尔米特求积Hermite quadrature
- 切比雪夫求积Chebyshev quadrature
- 高斯积分[法]Gauss integration
- 高斯型求积Gaussian type quadrature
- 勒让德-高斯求积Legendre-Gauss quadrature
- 切比雪夫-高斯求积Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature
- 雅可比-高斯求积Jacobi-Gauss quadrature
- 拉盖尔-高斯求积Laguerre-Gauss quadrature
- 埃尔米特-高斯求积Hermite-Gauss quadrature
- 洛巴托求积Lobatto quadrature
- 拉道求积Radau quadrature
- 菲隆求积Filon quadrature
- 多重数值积分multiple numerical integration
- 乘积型积分公式integration formula of product form
- 降维展开[法]expansion of decreasing dimension
- 边界型积分公式integration formula of boundary type
- 周期化periodization
- 华-王方法Hua-Wang method
- 列表tabulation
- 数学[函数]表mathematical table
- 表[列]值tabular value;entry
- 表的加密subtabulation
- 步长step size;step length;step width
- [固]定步长fixed step size
- [可]变步长variable step size