加速度计 相关科技名词
- 陀螺top
- 陀螺仪gyroscope
- 拉莫尔进动Larmor precession
- 拉莫尔频率Larmor frequency
- 静定问题statically determinate problem
- 静不定问题statically indeterminate problem
- 刚化原理principle of rigidization
- 力系system of forces
- 滑移矢[量]sliding vector
- 自由矢[量]free vector
- 主矢[量]principal vector
- 共点力concurrent force
- 共点力系system of concurrent forces
- 共面力coplanar force
- 共面力系system of coplanar forces
- 零力系null-force system
- 等效力系equivalent force system
- 平行力系system of parallel forces
- 力偶couple
- 力偶系system of couples
- 力偶矩moment of couple
- 合力偶resultant couple
- 主矩principal moment
- 转矩torque
- 约化中心center of reduction
- 力螺旋force screw
- 虚位移virtual displacement
- 虚功virtual work
- 虚功原理principle of virtual work
- 约束constraint
- 约束运动constrained motion
- 单侧约束unilateral constraint
- 双侧约束bilateral constraint
- 定常约束scleronomic constraint;steady constraint
- 非定常约束rheonomic constraint;unsteady constraint
- 完整约束holonomic constraint
- 完整系holonomic system
- 非完整约束nonholonomic constraint
- 非完整系nonholonomic system
- 理想约束ideal constraint