科学技术名词为您提供磁极,magnetic pole,磁极的意思,magnetic pole的意思,磁极的英文,magnetic pole的翻译,磁极的翻译,磁极是什么意思,磁极什么意思,magnetic pole是什么意思,magnetic pole什么意思
磁极 相关科技名词
- 磁化电流magnetization current
- 磁化率[magnetic] susceptibility
- 磁导率[magnetic] permeability
- 相对磁导率relative permeability
- 真空磁导率permeability of vacuum
- 顺磁性paramagnetism
- 抗磁性diamagnetism
- 铁磁性ferromagnetism
- 磁化曲线magnetization curve
- 磁滞回线[magnetic] hysteresis loop
- 磁滞损耗[magnetic] hysteresis loss
- 饱和磁化强度saturation magnetization
- 剩余磁化强度remanent magnetization
- 矫顽力coercive force
- 磁畴magnetic domain
- 居里点Curie point
- 软磁材料soft magnetic material
- 硬磁材料hard magnetic material
- 磁库仑定律magnetic Coulomb law
- 磁路magnetic circuit
- 磁路定律magnetic circuit law
- 磁阻[magnetic] reluctance;magnetic resistance
- 磁阻率reluctivity
- 安[培]匝数ampere-turns
- 磁通势magnetomotive force
- 磁壳magnetic shell
- 磁屏蔽magnetic shielding
- 拉莫尔半径Larmor radius
- 电磁感应electromagnetic induction
- 感应电流induction current
- 感应电动势induction electromotive force
- 动生电动势motional electromotive force
- 感生电动势induced electromotive force
- 法拉第电磁感应定律Faraday law of electromagnetic induction
- 楞次定律Lenz law
- 位移电流displacement current
- 感生电场induced electric field
- 有旋电场curl electric field
- 自感[应]self-induction
- 自感[系数]self-inductance