偏振片 相关科技名词
- 非定域条纹nonlocalized fringe
- 等厚干涉equal thickness interference
- 等厚条纹equal thickness fringes
- 等倾干涉equal inclination interference
- 等倾条纹equal inclination fringes
- 薄膜干涉film interference
- 半透[明]膜semi-transparent film
- 减反射膜antireflecting film
- 高反射膜high-reflecting film
- 多光束干涉multiple-beam interference
- 法布里-珀罗干涉仪Fabry-Perot interferometer
- 法布里-珀罗标准具Fabry-Perot etalon
- 法布里-珀罗滤波器Fabry-Perot filter
- 滤光片[optical] filter
- 干涉滤光片interference filter
- 补色complementary color
- 相干性coherence
- 相干波coherent wave
- 相干光coherent light
- 相干光源coherent source
- 相干条件coherent condition
- 时间相干性temporal coherence
- 空间相干性spatial coherence
- 相干时间coherence time
- 相干长度coherent length
- 相干面积coherent area
- 相干体积volume of coherence
- 部分相干性partial coherence
- 完全相干性full coherence
- 相干度degree of coherence
- 衬比度contrast
- 可见度visibility
- 干涉项interference term
- 干涉图样interference pattern
- 干涉显微镜interference microscope
- 衍射diffraction
- 衍射图样diffraction pattern
- 菲涅耳衍射Fresnel diffraction
- 夫琅禾费衍射Fraunhofer diffraction
- 狭缝slit