消光 相关科技名词
- 非单色波nonmonochromatic wave
- 非单色光nonmonochromatic light
- 单色光源monochromatic source
- 准单色光quasi-monochromatic light
- 准单色场quasi-monochromatic field
- 复振幅complex amplitude
- 惠更斯-菲涅耳原理Huygens-Fresnel principle
- 标量波理论scalar wave theory
- 光强intensity of light
- 菲涅耳公式Fresnel formula
- 反射率reflectivity
- 振幅反射率amplitude reflectivity
- 强度反射率intensity reflectivity
- 透射率transmissivity
- 振幅透射率amplitude transmissivity
- 强度透射率intensity transmissivity
- 相位跃变phase jump
- 半波损失half-wave loss
- 隐失波evanescent wave
- 干涉interference
- 杨[氏]实验Young experiment
- 劳埃德镜Lloyd mirror
- 菲涅耳双镜Fresnel bimirror
- 菲涅耳双棱镜Fresnel biprism
- 比耶对切透镜Billet split lens
- 牛顿环Newton ring
- 劈形膜wedge film
- 干涉条纹interference fringe
- 主极大principal maximum
- 中央极大central maximum
- 次极大secondary maximum
- 光学厚度optical thickness
- 干涉级order of interference
- 干涉仪interferometer
- 迈克耳孙干涉仪Michelson interferometer
- 分束器beam splitter
- 补偿板compensating plate
- 波阵面分割division of wavefront
- 振幅分割division of amplitude
- 定域条纹localized fringe