科学技术名词为您提供非定态,nonstationary state,非定态的意思,nonstationary state的意思,非定态的英文,nonstationary state的翻译,非定态的翻译,非定态是什么意思,非定态什么意思,nonstationary state是什么意思,nonstationary state什么意思
非定态 相关科技名词
- 三重态triplet [state]
- 斯塔克效应Stark effect
- 塞曼效应Zeeman effect
- 帕邢-巴克效应Paschen-Back effect
- X射线X-ray
- 莫塞莱定律Moseley law
- 莫塞莱图Moseley diagram
- 不相容性incompatibility
- 相容性compatibility
- 互补性complementarity
- 基函数basis function
- 本征态全集complete set of eigenstates
- 完全性关系completeness relation
- 倒多重线inverted multiplet
- 倒多重态inverted multiplet
- 物质波matter wave
- 非定态nonstationary state
- 能级宽度width of energy level
- 着衣态dressed state
- 着衣电子dressed electron
- 轨函[数]orbital
- 里德伯原子Rydberg atom
- 动力学对称dynamical symmetry
- 同位素移位isotope shift
- 耦合方式coupling scheme
- 朗德间隔定则Lande&1& interval rule
- 能级交叉效应level-crossiong effect
- 抗交叉效应anti-crossing effect
- 自电离态autoionization state
- 自分离[过程]autodetachment
- 壳层坍缩collapse of shell
- u态ungerade state;u-state
- g态gerade state;g-state
- 碰撞过程collision process
- 碰撞强度collision strength
- 散射长度scattering length
- 原子束atomic beam
- 原子碰撞atomic collision
- 分子结构molecular structure
- 分子光谱molecular spectrum