科学技术名词为您提供四角晶系,tetragonal system,四角晶系的意思,tetragonal system的意思,四角晶系的英文,tetragonal system的翻译,四角晶系的翻译,四角晶系是什么意思,四角晶系什么意思,tetragonal system是什么意思,tetragonal system什么意思
四角晶系 相关科技名词
- 成键电子bonding electron
- 内聚能cohesive energy
- 体积弹性模量bulk modulus
- 格点和lattice sum
- 色心color center
- 固体离子学solid state ionics
- 快离子导体fast ionic conductor
- 离子电导率ionic conductivity
- 自由离子模型free-ion model
- 离子器件ionic device
- 路径概率法path probability method
- 缺陷defect
- 晶体缺陷crystal defect
- 点缺陷point defect
- 肖特基缺陷Schottky defect
- 弗仑克尔缺陷Frenkel defect
- 可动缺陷mobile defect
- 反位缺陷antistructure defect
- 位错dislocation
- 位错堆积pile-up of dislocations
- 位错割阶jog of dislocation
- 位错扭折kink of dislocation
- 伯格斯矢[量]Burgers vector
- 弗兰克-里德[位错]源Frank-Read [dislocation] source
- 巴丁-赫林[位错]源Bardeen-Herring [dislocation] source
- 反相畴antiphase domain
- 堆垛层错stacking fault
- 向错disclination
- 位错滑移slip of dislocation
- 位错攀移climb of dislocation
- 包裹体inclusion
- 缀饰法decoration
- 向位错dispiration
- 晶体生长crystal growth
- 单晶生长growth of single crystal
- 熔盐生长flux growth
- 水热法生长hydrothermal growth
- 水溶液生长aqueous solution growth
- 焰熔法flame fusion method
- 溶质分凝solute segregation