吸附原子 相关科技名词
- 多层吸附multilayer adsorption
- 朗缪尔吸附Langmuir adsorption
- 离子交换吸附ion exchange adsorption
- 共吸附co-adsorption
- 吸附热heat of adsorption
- 黏附系数sticking coefficient
- 脱附desorption
- 束助脱附beam-assisted desorption
- 电子受激脱附electron stimulated desorption
- 表面格波surface lattice wave
- [瑞利]表面波[Rayleigh] surface wave
- 寻常瑞利波ordinary Rayleigh wave
- 广义瑞利波generalized Rayleigh wave
- 赝表面波pseudosurface wave
- 布勒斯坦-古利亚耶夫波Bleustein-Gulyaev wave
- 表面电磁耦合振荡surface electromagnetic coupled oscillation
- 表面声子surface phonon
- 表面等离波子surface plasmon
- 表面电磁耦子surface polariton
- 表面极化子surface polaron
- 表面势surface potential
- 表面势垒surface barrier
- 表面光电压surface photovoltage
- 表面相surface phase
- 表面畴domain on surface
- 表面态surface state
- 表面应力surface stress
- 表面熵surface entropy
- 表面自由能surface free energy
- 表面电荷surface charge
- 表面背键surface back bond
- 表面电子态surface electronic state
- 电子定域态electronic localized state
- 塔姆[表面]能级Tamm [surface] energy level
- 肖克利[表面]能级Shockley [surface] energy level
- 表面悬键能级surface dangling bond energy level
- 表面桥键能级surface bridge bond energy level
- 表面共振态surface resonance state
- 界面态interface state
- 表面态密度surface density of states