英文对照friction of distance
见载刊物《地理学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供距离阻尼,friction of distance,距离阻尼的意思,friction of distance的意思,距离阻尼的英文,friction of distance的翻译,距离阻尼的翻译,距离阻尼是什么意思,距离阻尼什么意思,friction of distance是什么意思,friction of distance什么意思
距离阻尼 相关科技名词
- 可计算一般均衡computable general equilibrium;CGE
- 环境可计算一般均衡environmental computable general equilibrium
- 空间可计算一般均衡spatial computable general equilibrium
- 区域可计算一般均衡regional computable general equilibrium
- 纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation
- 欧拉方程Euler equation
- 浅水方程shallow water equation
- 河道流床方程river bed equation
- 一般气候模型general climate model;GCM
- 0维气候模型0 dimension climate model
- 简化生物圈模型simplified biosphere model
- 状态并发模型state-contingent model
- 竺可桢曲线Zhu's curve
- 黄秉维模型Huang's model
- 隔室模型compartment model
- 箱间扩散模型box-diffusion model
- 马尔萨斯模型Malthusian model
- 逻辑斯谛模型logistic model
- 宋健-于景元模型Song-Yu's model
- 洛特卡-沃尔泰拉模型Lotka-Volterra model
- 渔猎模型fishing model
- 捕食者-被捕食者模型prey-predator model
- 草场模型pasture model
- 传染病模型infection model
- 反应扩散模型reaction-diffusion model
- 基础宏观经济模型macro economy base model
- 小国开放经济模型small open economy model
- 科布-道格拉斯生产函数CobbDouglas production function
- 劳里模型Lowry model
- 经济活动布局模型activity allocation model
- 货郎行程问题traveling salesman problem
- 偏离-份额分析shift-share analysis
- 引力模型gravity model
- 最大熵模型maximum entropy model
- 反距离律inverse distance law
- 距离阻尼friction of distance
- 断裂点breaking point
- 齐普夫规则Zipf rule
- 丁伯根城镇体系模型Tinbergen's model of city system
- 贝克曼城镇体系模型Beckmann model of city system