垂直外资 vertical foreign direct investment 垂直外资的意思 vertical foreign direct investment的意思 垂直外资的英文
英文对照vertical foreign direct investment
见载刊物《地理学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供垂直外资,vertical foreign direct investment,垂直外资的意思,vertical foreign direct investment的意思,垂直外资的英文,vertical foreign direct investment的翻译,垂直外资的翻译,垂直外资是什么意思,垂直外资什么意思,vertical foreign direct investment是什么意思,vertical foreign direct investment什么意思
垂直外资 相关科技名词
- 交通运输地理学geography of communication and transportation
- 邮政地理学geography of postal services
- 通信地理学geography of telecommunication
- 交通运输布局allocation of communication and transportation
- 综合交通运输网integrated transport network
- 运输枢纽transport junction
- 货流地理geography of goods flow
- 客流地理geography of passenger flow
- 运输弹性系数elastic coefficient of transportation
- 交通运输区划transportation regionalization
- 公路运输highway transport
- [民用]航空运输air transport
- 水路运输water transport
- 城市高速交通系统urban mass transport system
- 交通流理论traffic flow theory
- 出行方式modes of trip
- 渠化导流channelized traffic
- 城市交通urban transport
- 交通圈transport circle
- 大陆桥运输continental bridge transport
- 公路主枢纽arterial hub of highway network
- 磁悬浮列车maglev train;magnetic suspension train
- 港口地域群体areal combination of ports
- 交通工程学traffic engineering
- 运输联系transport linkage
- 综合运输integrated transportation
- 多制式联运inter-modism
- 可达性accessibility
- 运输方式transport mode
- 港口集疏运系统system of freight collection;distribution and transportation
- 国道national trunk way
- 航空枢纽air transport hub
- 轨道运输rail transport
- 轻轨交通light rail transit
- 集装箱运输container transport
- 运输系数coefficient of transported product
- 滚装运输roll-on and roll-off transportation
- 吸引区attraction area
- 电信网络telecommunication network
- 信息港information hub