产状[要素] 相关科技名词
- 串珠状构造pinch-and-swell structure
- 鞘褶[皱]sheath fold
- 谐调褶皱harmonic fold
- 不谐调褶皱disharmonic fold
- 构造样式tectonic style
- 构造图式structural pattern
- 构造格架tectonic framework
- 叠加褶皱superimposed fold
- 重褶褶皱refolded fold
- 重褶作用refolding
- 褶皱干涉图像interference pattern of fold
- 共轴co-axial
- 非共轴non-co-axial
- 构造序列structural sequence
- 构造[横]剖面structural cross section
- 褶皱轴迹axial trace of fold
- S面S-surface
- C面C-surface
- π图π-diagram
- β图β-diagram
- 乌尔夫网Wulff net
- 施密特网Schmidt net
- 球面立体投影图stereogram;stereographic projection
- 节理joint
- 节理组joint set
- 共轭节理conjugate joints
- 劈理cleavage
- 板劈理slaty cleavage
- 破劈理fracture cleavage
- 滑劈理slipcleavage
- 流劈理flowcleavage
- 轴面劈理axial-plane cleavage
- 褶劈crenulation cleavage
- 透入性penetration
- [构造]置换transposition
- 拉伸线理stretching lineation
- 窗棂构造mullion
- 布丁boudin
- 布丁构造作用boudinage
- 压溶pressure solution