科学技术名词为您提供弹性势,elastic potential,弹性势的意思,elastic potential的意思,弹性势的英文,elastic potential的翻译,弹性势的翻译,弹性势是什么意思,弹性势什么意思,elastic potential是什么意思,elastic potential什么意思
弹性势 相关科技名词
- 渗透流osmotic flow
- 易位流translocation flow
- 蒸腾流transpirational flow
- 过滤阻力filtration resistance
- 压扁wafering
- 风雪流snow-driving wind
- 停滞堆积accretion
- 遇阻堆积encroachment
- 沙漠地面desert floor
- 流沙固定fixation of shifting sand
- 流动阈值fluid threshold
- 尘暴dust storm
- 计尘仪koniscope
- 盛行风prevailing wind
- 输沙率rate of sand transporting
- 重演距离repetition distance
- 跃移[运动]saltation
- 跃移质saltation load
- 沙波纹sand ripple
- 沙影sand shadow
- 沙暴sand storm
- 流沙shifting sand
- 翻滚tumble
- 植物固沙vegetative sand-control
- 流速线velocity line
- 泥石流debris flow
- 连续泥石流continuous debris flow
- 阵发泥石流intermittent debris flow
- 泥石铺床bed-predeposit of mud
- 泥石流地声geosound of debris flow
- 气浪airsurge
- 冻胀力frost heaving pressure
- 冻土强度frozen soil strength
- 雪崩avalanche
- 冰崩iceslide
- 冰压力ice pressure
- 重力侵蚀gravity erosion
- 分凝势segregation potential
- 滑坡landslide
- 山洪torrent