独立[顶]点集 independent set of vertices 独立[顶]点集的意思 independent set of vertices的意思 独立[顶]点集的英文
科学技术名词为您提供独立[顶]点集,independent set of vertices,独立[顶]点集的意思,independent set of vertices的意思,独立[顶]点集的英文,independent set of vertices的翻译,独立[顶]点集的翻译,独立[顶]点集是什么意思,独立[顶]点集什么意思,independent set of vertices是什么意思,independent set of vertices什么意思
独立[顶]点集 相关科技名词
- [顶]点覆盖vertex cover
- [顶]点覆盖数vertex cover number
- 边覆盖edge cover
- 边覆盖数edge covering number
- 独立边集independent set of edges
- 边独立数edge independent number
- 独立[顶]点集independent set of vertices
- [顶]点独立数vertex independent number
- 匹配matching
- 交错链alternating chain
- 临界边critical edge
- 临界[顶]点critical vertex
- 临界图critical graph
- 平面图plane graph
- 平面嵌入planar embedding
- 平面性planarity
- 可平面图planar graph
- 组合地图combinatorial map
- 对偶地图dual map
- 曲面嵌入surface embedding
- 图同胚homeomorphism of graphs
- 图亏格genus of a graph
- 最大亏格maximum genus
- 商图quotient graph
- 有根图rooted graph
- 分裂[运算]splitting
- 舍弃[运算]deletion
- 缩并[运算]contraction
- 有色图colored graph
- 色数chromatic number
- 四色问题four color problem
- 边色数edge chromatic number
- 色不变量chromatic invariant
- 色多项式chromatic polynomial;chromial
- 色剖分chromatic partition
- 色和方程chromatic sum equation
- 图同态homomorphism of graphs
- 塔特多项式Tutte polynomial
- 邻接矩阵adjacent matrix
- 图谱spectrum of a graph