科学技术名词为您提供可用功,available work,可用功的意思,available work的意思,可用功的英文,available work的翻译,可用功的翻译,可用功是什么意思,可用功什么意思,available work是什么意思,available work什么意思
可用功 相关科技名词
- 等容过程isochoric process
- 等焓过程isenthalpic process
- 等熵过程isentropic process
- 绝热过程adiabatic process
- 多方过程polytropic process
- 循环过程cyclic process
- 可逆过程reversible process
- 不可逆过程irreversible process
- 自发过程spontaneous process
- 非自发过程nonspontaneous process
- 途径path
- 功work
- 体积功volume work
- 压缩功compression work
- 膨胀功expansion work
- 可用功available work
- 最大功maximum work
- 绝热功adiabatic work
- 电功electrical work
- 可逆功reversible work
- 表面功surface work
- 热heat
- 热效应heat effect
- 反应热heat of reaction
- 生成热heat of formation
- 燃烧热heat of combustion
- 溶解热heat of solution
- 积分溶解热integral heat of solution
- 微分溶解热differential heat of solution
- 稀释热heat of dilution
- 中和热heat of neutralization
- 混合热heat of mixing
- 水合热heat of hydration
- 熔化热heat of fusion
- 汽化热heat of vaporization
- 升华热heat of sublimation
- 液化热heat of liquefaction
- 热容heat capacity
- 等压热容heat capacity at constant pressure
- 等容热容heat capacity at constant volume