科学技术名词为您提供燃料电池,fuel cell,燃料电池的意思,fuel cell的意思,燃料电池的英文,fuel cell的翻译,燃料电池的翻译,燃料电池是什么意思,燃料电池什么意思,fuel cell是什么意思,fuel cell什么意思
燃料电池 相关科技名词
- 表面电导surface conductance
- 超导superconductance
- 科尔劳乌施稀释定律Kohlrausch's dilution law
- 德拜-昂萨格电导理论Debye-Onsager theory of electrolytic conductance
- 弛豫力relaxation force
- 电泳力electrophoretic force
- 电极electrode
- 可逆电极reversible electrode
- 不可逆电极irreversible electrode
- 参比电极reference electrode
- 工作电极working electrode
- 氧化还原电极redox electrode
- 金属电极metal electrode
- 金属氧化物电极metal oxide electrode
- 气体电极gas electrode
- 醌氢醌电极quinhydrone electrode
- 汞齐电极amalgam electrode
- 修饰电极modified electrode
- 膜电极membrane electrode
- 电极电势electrode potential
- 可逆电极电势reversible electrode potential
- 接触电势contact potential
- 液体接界电势liquid junction potential
- 膜电势membrane potential
- 表面电势surface potential
- 吸附电势adsorption potential
- 脱附电势desorption potential
- ζ电势ζ-potential
- 泳动电势streaming potential
- 电势梯度potential gradient
- 电势pH图potential-pH diagram
- 开路电势open circuit potential
- 闭路电势closed circuit potential
- 电动势electromotive force
- 能斯特方程Nernst equation
- 补偿[对消]法compensation method
- 标准电池standard cell
- 浓差电池concentration cell
- 有迁移浓差电池concentration cell with transference
- 无迁移浓差电池concentration cell without transference