柱型胶束 cylindrical micelle 柱型胶束的意思 cylindrical micelle的意思 柱型胶束的英文 cylindrical micelle的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供柱型胶束,cylindrical micelle,柱型胶束的意思,cylindrical micelle的意思,柱型胶束的英文,cylindrical micelle的翻译,柱型胶束的翻译,柱型胶束是什么意思,柱型胶束什么意思,cylindrical micelle是什么意思,cylindrical micelle什么意思
柱型胶束 相关科技名词
- 散射效率scattering efficiency
- 超显微镜ultramicroscope
- 电子显微镜electron microscope
- 暗场显微镜dark-field microscope
- 浊度turbidity
- 瑞利公式Rayleigh's equation
- 德拜公式Debye's equation
- 表面张力surface tension
- 表面能surface energy
- 界面张力interfacial tension
- 表面压力surface pressure
- 静态表面张力static surface tension
- 动态表面张力dynamic surface tension
- 平衡表面张力equilibrium surface tension
- 负表面张力negative surface tension
- 弯曲表面curved surface
- 杨-拉普拉斯公式Young-Laplace equation
- 开尔文公式Kelvin equation
- 过饱和supersaturation
- 拉姆齐-谢尔德公式Ramsay-Shield equation
- 毛细管上升法capillary rise method
- 滴体积法drop-volume method
- 滴重法drop-weight method
- 迪努伊环法Du Nouy ring method
- 悬滴法pendent drop method
- 最大泡压法maximum bubble pressure method
- 摆动盘法oscillating disc method
- 表面surface
- 界面interface
- 体相bulk phase
- 吸附adsorption
- 负吸附negative adsorption
- 吸附热heat of adsorption
- 微分吸附热differential heat of adsorption
- 积分吸附热integral heat of adsorption
- 等量吸附热isosteric heat of adsorption
- 吸附活化能activation energy of adsorption
- 吸附中心adsorption center
- 吸附速率adsorption rate
- 吸附平衡adsorption equilibrium