科学技术名词为您提供动能均分,equipartition of kinetic energy,动能均分的意思,equipartition of kinetic energy的意思,动能均分的英文,equipartition of kinetic energy的翻译,动能均分的翻译,动能均分是什么意思,动能均分什么意思,equipartition of kinetic energy是什么意思,equipartition of kinetic energy什么意思
动能均分 相关科技名词
- 半宽half width
- 半峰全宽full width at half-maximum;FWHM
- 宽带测光broad-band photometry
- 中带测光intermediate band pho-tometry
- 窄带测光narrow-band photometry
- 测光序photometric sequence
- 北极星序north polar sequence;NPS
- 目视星等visual magnitude
- 照相星等photographic magnitude
- 仿视星等photovisual magnitude
- 红外星等infrared magnitude
- 热星等bolometric magnitude
- 累积星等integrated magnitude
- 色指数color index
- 色余color excess
- 红外超infrared excess
- 紫外超ultraviolet excess
- 红化reddening
- 天体偏振测量astronomical polarimetry
- 光电成像photoelectronic imaging
- 光谱型spectral type
- 光度级luminosity class
- 光谱分类spectral classification
- 哈佛分类Harvard classification
- 波恩星表
- 赫罗图Hertzsprung-Russell diagram;diagramHR
- 两色图two-color diagram;color-color diagram
- 颜色-星等图color-magnitude diagram
- 主序main sequence
- 赫氏空隙Hertzsprung gap
- 巨星支giant branch
- 红巨星支red-giant branch
- 水平支horizontal branch
- 零龄水平支zero-age horizontal branch;ZAHB
- 渐近巨星支asymptotic giant branch;AGB
- 光变曲线light curve
- 热光变曲线bolometric light curve
- 光变周期period of light variation
- 周光关系period-luminosity relation
- 周光色关系period-luminosity-color relation