总星系 相关科技名词
- 退行速度velocity of recession
- 哈勃关系Hubble relation
- 哈勃常数Hubble constant
- 哈勃图Hubble diagram
- 星系计数galaxy count
- 两点相关函数two-point correlation function
- 演化效应effect of evolution
- 射电源计数radio source count
- 视超光速运动apparent superluminal motion
- 宇宙学红移cosmological redshift
- 内禀红移intrinsic redshift
- 减速因子deceleration parameter
- 宇宙平均密度cosmic mean densi-ty
- 临界密度critical density
- 宇宙年龄cosmic age
- 哈勃时间Hubble time
- 哈勃距离Hubble distance
- 宇宙视界universal horizon
- 哈勃半径Hubble radius
- 宇宙[学]常数cosmological constant
- 氦丰度He abundance
- 锂丰度Li abundance
- 氘丰度D abundance
- 轻元素丰度light element abundance
- 北银[极]冠North Galactic Cap
- 南银[极]冠South Galactic Cap
- 宇宙大尺度结构large scale structure of the universe
- 巨引力源great attractor
- 巨壁Great Wall
- 巨洞void
- 引力不稳定性gravitational insta-bility
- 密度扰动density perturbation
- 金斯波长Jeans wavelength
- 金斯质量Jeans mass
- 宇宙universe;cosmos
- 宇宙学cosmology
- 观测宇宙学observational cosmology
- 运动学宇宙学kinematic cosmology
- 动力学宇宙学dynamical cosmology
- 宇宙学原理cosmological principle