月球 相关科技名词
- 行星际物质interplanetary matter
- 行星际磁场interplanetary magnetic field
- 宇宙尘cosmic dust
- 行星学planetology
- 比较行星学comparative planetology
- 提丢斯-波得定则Titius-Bode's law
- 行星磁层planetary magnetosphere
- 行星气象学planetary meteorology
- 行星地质学planetary geology
- 行星表面学planetography
- 行星面坐标planetographic coordinate
- 大红斑Great Red Spot
- 大白斑Great White Spot
- 大暗斑Great Dark Spot
- 星子planetesimal
- 前行星盘preplanetary disk
- 原行星protoplanet
- 潮汐假说tidal hypothesis
- 太阳系外行星系extrasolar planetary system
- 地月系统earth-moon system
- 范艾仑辐射带Van Allen belt
- 极光aurora
- 黄道光zodiacal light
- 对日照counterglow
- 夜光云noctilucent cloud
- 夜天光night glo;night sky light
- 月球moon
- 月球正面near side of the moon
- 月球背面far side of the moon
- 月球学selenology
- 月面学selenography
- 月质学lunar geology
- 月球起源说selenogony
- 月面坐标selenographic coordinate
- 流星meteor;shooting star
- 火流星bolide;fireball
- 流星余迹meteor trail
- 流星雨meteor shower
- 辐射点radiant
- 微流星体micrometeoroid