科学技术名词为您提供干霾,dry haze,干霾的意思,dry haze的意思,干霾的英文,dry haze的翻译,干霾的翻译,干霾是什么意思,干霾什么意思,dry haze是什么意思,dry haze什么意思
干霾 相关科技名词
- 视示力apparent force
- β效应β-effect;beta effect
- 科里奥利参数Coriolis parameter
- 向心加速度centripetal acceleration
- 离心力centrifugal force
- 科里奥利加速度Coriolis acceleration
- 内摩擦[力]internal friction [force]
- 水蒸气water vapor
- 水汽输送transfer of water vapor
- 水汽廓线water vapor profile
- 水汽含量moisture content
- 水汽压water vapor pressure
- 湿度humidity
- 相对湿度relative humidity
- 绝对湿度absolute humidity
- 比湿specific humidity
- 混合比mixing ratio
- 冰面饱和混合比saturation mixing ratio with respect to ice
- 水面饱和混合比saturation mixing ratio with respect to water
- 露点[温度]dew point [temperature]
- [温度]露点差depression of the dew point
- 湿空气moist air
- 饱和空气saturated air
- 过饱和空气super-saturated air
- 饱和比湿saturation specific humidity
- 饱和水汽压saturation vapor pressure
- 纯冰面饱和水汽压saturation vapor pressure in the pure phase with respect to ice
- 纯水面饱和水汽压saturation vapor pressure in the pure phase with respect to water
- 湿空气冰面饱和水汽压saturation vapor pressure of moist air with respect to ice
- 湿空气水面饱和水汽压saturation vapor pressure of moist air with respect to water
- 测湿公式psychrometric formula
- 饱和差saturation deficit
- 国际云图international cloud atlas
- 云cloud
- 云厚度vertical extent of a cloud
- 云高cloud height
- 云分类cloud classification
- 低云low cloud
- 中云middle cloud
- 高云high cloud