科学技术名词为您提供二元运算,binary operation,二元运算的意思,binary operation的意思,二元运算的英文,binary operation的翻译,二元运算的翻译,二元运算是什么意思,二元运算什么意思,binary operation是什么意思,binary operation什么意思
二元运算 相关科技名词
- 泛代数universal algebra
- 空元运算nullary operation
- 一元运算unary operation
- 二元运算binary operation
- n元运算n-ary operation
- 基本运算fundamental operations
- 底集universe
- 泛代数的型type of an universal algebra
- 海廷代数Heyting algebra
- 布劳威尔代数Brauwerian algebra
- 柱形代数cylindric algebra
- 子底集subuniverse
- 无赘基irredundant basis
- 泛代数的同余[关系]congruence on universal algebra
- 商泛代数quotient universal algebra
- 主同余principal congruence
- 同余分配代数congruence-distributive algebra
- 同余模代数congruence-modular algebra
- 同余可换代数congruence-permutable algebra
- 因子同余factor congruence
- 单泛代数simple universal algebra
- 极大泛代数maximal universal algebra
- 类算子class operator
- 泛代数类class of universal algebras
- 泛代数簇variety of universal algebras
- 项泛代数term universal algebra
- 自由泛代数free universal algebra
- 全不变同余fully invariant congruence
- 布尔幂Boolean power
- 超积ultraproduct
- 超幂ultrapower
- 布尔积Boolean product
- 判别子簇discriminantor variety
- 半单泛代数semi-simple universal algebra
- 半单簇semi-simple variety