科学技术名词为您提供负整数,negative integer,负整数的意思,negative integer的意思,负整数的英文,negative integer的翻译,负整数的翻译,负整数是什么意思,负整数什么意思,negative integer是什么意思,negative integer什么意思
负整数 相关科技名词
- 反比inverse proportion
- 合比proportion by addition
- 分比proportion by subtraction
- 更比proportion by alternation
- 百分法percentage
- 百分率percent
- 十进制decimal scale
- 十进制数字decimal digit
- 二进制binary system
- 十进二进制转换decimal-binary conversion
- [十进]小数decimal
- 小数位decimal place
- 小数点decimal point
- 循环小数recurring decimal
- 纯循环小数pure recurring decimal
- 混循环小数mixed recurring decimal
- 有尽小数terminating decimal
- 无尽小数unlimited decimal
- 不能除尽[的]indivisible
- 开方radication
- 被开方数radicand
- 开平方extraction of square root
- 开立方extraction of cubic root
- 根式radical
- 根指数radical exponent
- 根号radical sign
- 同类根式similar surds
- 不尽根surd root
- 算术根arithmetic root
- 有理化分母rationalizing denominators
- 有理化因子rationalizing factor
- 不可公度的incommensurable
- 无理数irrational number
- 实数real number
- 数轴number axis
- 正数positive number
- 负数negative number
- 绝对值absolute value
- 复数complex number
- 虚数imaginary number