科学技术名词为您提供北极锋,arctic front,北极锋的意思,arctic front的意思,北极锋的英文,arctic front的翻译,北极锋的翻译,北极锋是什么意思,北极锋什么意思,arctic front是什么意思,arctic front什么意思
北极锋 相关科技名词
- 次生气旋secondary cyclone
- 气旋波cyclonic wave
- 气旋族cyclone family
- 锢囚气旋occluded cyclone
- 气旋生成cyclogenesis
- 气旋生成的波动理论wave theory of cyclogenesis
- 气旋消散cyclolysis
- 低压再生regeneration of a depression
- 低涡vortex
- 冷涡cold vortex
- 暖涡warm vortex
- 天气型synoptic type
- 永久性低压permanent depression
- 半永久性低压semi-permanent depression
- 次生低压secondary depression
- 阿留申低压Aleutian low
- 冰岛低压Icelandic low
- 江淮气旋Changjiang-Huaihe cyclone
- 江淮切变线Changjiang-Huaihe shear line
- 南海低压South China Sea depression
- 蒙古低压Mongolian low
- 东北低压Northeast China low
- 对流层中层气旋mid-tropospheric cyclone
- 科纳气旋kona cyclone
- 对流层顶漏斗tropopause funnel
- 对流层顶波动tropopause wave
- 西南[低]涡Southwest China vortex
- 高[气]压high [pressure]
- 冷高压cold high
- 暖高压warm high
- 热成高压thermal high
- 高压脊ridge
- 热成低压thermal low
- 高空脊upper-level ridge
- 脊线ridge line
- 暖脊warm ridge
- 鞍形气压场col pressure field
- 高压坝high pressure barrier
- 变形场deformation field
- 反气旋anticyclone