英文对照relative age of soil
见载刊物《地理学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供土壤相对年龄,relative age of soil,土壤相对年龄的意思,relative age of soil的意思,土壤相对年龄的英文,relative age of soil的翻译,土壤相对年龄的翻译,土壤相对年龄是什么意思,土壤相对年龄什么意思,relative age of soil是什么意思,relative age of soil什么意思
土壤相对年龄 相关科技名词
- 土壤分类soil classification
- 土壤系统分类soil taxonomy
- 土壤发生分类soil genetic classification
- 地理发生分类geographic-genetic classification
- 形态发生分类morphogenetic classification
- 土壤数值分类numerical classification of soil
- 砖红壤laterite;latosol
- 赤红壤latosolic red soil
- 红壤red earth;red soil
- 燥红土dry red soil;savanna red soil
- 黄壤yellow earth;yellow soil
- 棕红壤brown-red soil
- 褐红土cinnamon-red soil
- 红色石灰土terra rossa
- 棕色石灰土terra fusca
- 黑色石灰土rendzina
- 紫色土purple soil
- 黄棕壤yellow-brown soil
- 黄褐土yellow-cinnamon soil
- 棕壤brown soil
- 褐土cinnamon soil
- 暗棕壤dark brown forest soil;dark brown soil
- 棕色针叶林土brown coniferous forest soil
- 灰化土podzolic soil
- 白浆土Baijiang soil
- 灰褐土grey cinnamon soil
- 灰黑土greyzem;grey forest soil
- 黑土phaeozem;black soil
- 黑钙土chernozem
- 栗钙土chestnut soil;kastanozem
- 棕钙土brown calcic soil
- 灰钙土sierozem
- 灰漠土grey desert soil
- 灰棕漠土grey-brown desert soil
- 棕漠土brown desert soil
- 龟裂土takyr
- 高山草甸土alpine meadow soil
- 山地草甸土montane meadow soil
- 高山草原土alpine steppe soil
- 寒漠土alpine frost desert soil