科学技术名词为您提供充要条件,necessary and sufficient condition,充要条件的意思,necessary and sufficient condition的意思,充要条件的英文,necessary and sufficient condition的翻译,充要条件的翻译,充要条件是什么意思,充要条件什么意思,necessary and sufficient condition是什么意思,necessary and sufficient condition什么意思
充要条件 相关科技名词
- 数学mathematics
- 纯粹数学pure mathematics
- 应用数学applied mathematics
- 数number
- 量quantity
- 空间space
- 符号symbol
- 公理axiom
- 假设hypothesis
- 结论conclusion
- 论断assertion
- 定义definition
- 定理theorem
- 命题proposition
- 否命题negative proposition
- 逆命题converse proposition
- 逆否命题converse-negative proposition
- 引理lemma
- 系corollary
- 原理principle
- 猜想conjecture
- 悖论paradox
- 矛盾contradiction
- 证[明]proof
- 验证verification
- 推广generalization
- 必要条件necessary condition
- 充分条件sufficient condition
- 充要条件necessary and sufficient condition
- 当且仅当if and only if;iff
- 准则criterion
- 存在[性]existence
- 唯一[性]uniqueness
- 论证justification
- 模糊[性]fuzzy
- 关系relation
- 等价[性]equivalence
- 恒等[式]identity
- 蕴涵imply;implication
- 逆inverse