差积 相关科技名词
- 虚数单位imaginary unit
- 纯虚数pure imaginary number
- 单位根roots of unity
- 棣莫弗公式De Moivre formula
- 二项式定理binomial theorem
- 二项式系数binomial coefficients
- 杨辉三角形Pascal triangle
- 等差数列arithmetic progression
- 公差common difference
- 首项leading term
- 末项last term
- 等比数列geometric progression
- 公比common ratio
- 算术平均arithmetic mean
- 几何平均geometric mean
- 调和数列harmonic progression
- 调和平均harmonic mean
- 等差级数arithmetic series
- 等比级数geometric series
- 高阶等差数列arithmetic progression of higher order
- 法里序列Farey sequence
- 斐波那契数Fibonacci numbers
- 同余数congruent number
- 连分数continued fraction
- 渐近分数convergents
- 简单连分数simple continued fraction
- 有限连分数finite continued fraction
- 无限连分数infinite continued fraction
- 循环连分数recurring continued fraction
- 狄利克雷抽屉原理Dirichlet box principle
- 容斥原理including-excluding principle;cross classification
- 同余式congruence
- 同余方程congruence
- 同余[的]congruent
- 模数modulus
- 非同余incongruent
- 剩余residue
- 非剩余non-residue
- 剩余类residue class
- 剩余类的代表representative of a residue class